MECO™ API Reference
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CmFileSystem.exceptionLib.DirectoryAlreadyExists[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Directory already exists
 CmFileSystem.exceptionLib.DirectoryIsNotSet[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Directory is not set
 CmFileSystem.exceptionLib.FileAlreadyExists[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - File already exists
 CmFileSystem.exceptionLib.FileDoesNotExist[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - File doesn't exist
 CmFileSystem.exceptionLib.FileIsNotSet[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - File is not set
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.InvalidDataType[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Invalid data type
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.InvalidPlug[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Invalid plug
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.InvalidValue[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Invalid value
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.NodeDoesNotExist[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Node doesn't exist
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.NodeIsNotUnique[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Node is not unique
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.NodeTypeIsNotCorrect[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Node type is not correct
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.NoValidNode[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - No valid node
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.PlugDoesNotExist[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Plug doesn't exist
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.PlugHasIncomingConnection[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Plug has incoming connection
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.PlugHasMaximumValue[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Plug has maximum value
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.PlugHasMinimumValue[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Plug has minimum value
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.PlugIsLocked[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Plug is locked
 CmMayaNode.exceptionLib.PlugIsNotWritable[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Plug is not writable
 CmMeco.fileSystem.exceptionLib.DirectoryAlreadyExists[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Directory already exists
 CmMeco.fileSystem.exceptionLib.DirectoryIsNotSet[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Directory is not set
 CmMeco.fileSystem.exceptionLib.FileAlreadyExists[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - File already exists
 CmMeco.fileSystem.exceptionLib.FileDoesNotExist[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - File doesn't exist
 CmMeco.fileSystem.exceptionLib.FileIsNotSet[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - File is not set
 CmMecoPackage.exceptionLib.PackageLocationError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Package location error
 CmMecoPackage.exceptionLib.PackageNameError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Package name error
 CmMecoPackage.exceptionLib.PythonPackageDoesNotExist[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Python package doesn't exist
 CmMecoPackage.exceptionLib.PythonPackageNameError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Python package name error
 CmMecoSettings.exceptionLib.MissingPackageError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Missing package error
 CmMecoSettings.exceptionLib.ValidEnvironmentIsNotError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Valid environment is not set error
 CmProcess.exceptionLib.ContainerError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Container error
 CmProcess.exceptionLib.DataFileDoesNotExist[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Data file does not exist error
 CmProcess.exceptionLib.DependencyError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Dependency error
 CmProcess.exceptionLib.GUIError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - GUI error
 CmProcess.exceptionLib.ProcessError[ EXCEPTION CLASS ] - Process error
 CmApplication.applicationInfoAbs.ApplicationInfo[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Class provides application information for applications
 CmCore.displayLib.DisplayDisplay class
 CmCore.enumAbs.Enum[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract class for enum classes
 CmCore.nameSpaceLib.NameSpace[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on namespaces
 CmCore.platformLib.Platform[ CLASS ] - Platform related class
 CmDeveloper.developerLib.Developer[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on developers
 CmFileSystem.directoryLib.Directory[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on directories
 CmFileSystem.fileLib.File[ CLASS ] - Operate on files
 CmFileSystem.simpleWatcherLib.SimpleWatcher[ CLASS ] - Class to watch file changes
 CmMayaCore.optionVarLib.OptionVar[ CLASS ] - Class provides functionalities to operate on optionVar in Maya
 CmMeco.abstract.builderAbs.Builder[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract builder class
 CmMeco.abstract.builderAbs.BuilderContainer[ CLASS ] - Builder container
 CmMeco.abstract.operatorAbs.Operator[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Class to operate on Python modules
 CmMeco.abstract.responseAbs.Response[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract response class
 CmMeco.abstract.responseAbs.ResponseContainer[ CLASS ] - Response container
 CmMeco.abstract.solverAbs.Solver[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract solver class
 CmMeco.abstract.solverAbs.SolverContainer[ CLASS ] - Solver container
 CmMeco.core.displayLib.DisplayDisplay class
 CmMeco.core.enumAbs.Enum[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract class for enum classes
 CmMeco.core.loggerLib.LogType[ ENUM CLASS ] - Log types
 CmMeco.core.moduleLib.Module[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on Python modules
 CmMeco.core.platformLib.Platform[ CLASS ] - Platform related class
 CmMeco.fileSystem.directoryLib.Directory[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on directories
 CmMeco.fileSystem.fileLib.File[ CLASS ] - Operate on files
 CmMeco.libs.allLib.All[ CLASS ] - Class contains all required class instances that used throughout the API
 CmMeco.libs.entryLib.EnvEntry[ CLASS ] - Env envEntry
 CmMeco.libs.entryLib.EnvEntryContainer[ CLASS ] - Env envEntry container
 CmMeco.libs.envPathLib.EnvPath[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on env paths
 CmMeco.libs.projectLib.Project[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on Meco projects
 CmMeco.libs.requestLib.Request[ CLASS ] - Request
 CmMeco.mecoLib.Meco[ CLASS ] - Meco
 CmMeco.operators.appFileOpt.AppFileOperator[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on App files
 CmMeco.operators.packageEnvOpt.PackageEnvOperator[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on package env module
 CmMeco.operators.packageGlobalEnvOpt.PackageGlobalEnv[ CLASS ] - Package global env
 CmMecoPackage.packageLib.Package[ CLASS ] - Class to operate on Meco packages
 CmMecoSettings.packageGlobalEnvLib.MayaLinux[ ENUM CLASS ] - Maya folder structure in a package for Linux
 CmMecoSettings.packageGlobalEnvLib.MayaWindows[ ENUM CLASS ] - Maya folder structure in a package for Windows
 CmMecoSettings.packageGlobalEnvLib.PackageLinux[ ENUM CLASS ] - Package folder structure for Linux
 CmMecoSettings.packageGlobalEnvLib.PackageWindows[ ENUM CLASS ] - Package folder structure for Windows
 CmMecoSettings.settingsLib.PlatformName[ ENUM CLASS ] - Platform names
 CmProcess.dataLib.Data[ CLASS ] - Data class used by all the classes
 CmQtWidgets.iconLib.Icon[ CLASS ] - Class offers functionalities to find and create icons
 CmProcess.containerAbs.Container[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract container class
 CmProcess.dependencyAbs.Dependency[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract dependency class
 CmProcess.processAbs.Process[ ABSTRACT CLASS ] - Abstract dependency class